What is James Lafferty doing now?
Everyone is Doing Great is a comedy-drama series that follows the lives of a group of friends who are trying to figure out their lives after college. James plays the role of Matt, a struggling actor who is trying to make it in Hollywood. The show is a funny and heartwarming look at the ups and downs of life after graduation, and it’s definitely a must-watch for fans of James Lafferty.
This show is a departure from his previous work, and it showcases his range as an actor. He’s not just playing the charming, good-looking guy anymore. Everyone is Doing Great allows James to show off his comedic timing and his ability to play a character that is both relatable and lovable. It’s a show that’s sure to resonate with viewers of all ages. If you’re looking for something new and exciting to watch, definitely check out Everyone is Doing Great.
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